Stress, Concern, Anxiety, Frustration... all these and many more have us moving between 3 worlds very rapidly and by doing so creates a tremendous amount of confusion.
What are the 3 Worlds? I knew you might ask. Each one is a unique time in space, the Old World, is the Past... The Current World is the Present, and the Future World is, well, the Future.
If you do not stay focused on the tasks you have right in front of you, the activities that are building your future right now, you may miss out on something great.
Here is what happens. When in a less the truly happy place, we think about the things we could have done, or maybe what we might do different if the opportunity presents it self. You have moved from the past to the future, and while in both those mindsets, you skipped over the present, and are choosing not to be in the present.
I recommend that you do what you can to say in the Now, the here of this moment. It is there that you can influence the possible future outcomes.
Get clear on what you want and make sure that what you are doing now will bring value to that goal.
Take the next 63 seconds and focus right now.. on a goal you want, then take action on what you can do starting on the 64th second to move towards it.
Your friend and student,
Sean G Murphy