Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Getting Clear

Its my perception that most of the challenge that people are facing these days, is the ability to focus. Let me see if I can explain it so it makes sense. 

Stress, Concern, Anxiety, Frustration... all these and many more have us moving between 3 worlds very rapidly and by doing so creates a tremendous amount of confusion. 

What are the 3 Worlds? I knew you might ask. Each one is a unique time in space, the Old World, is the Past... The Current World is the Present, and the Future World is, well, the Future. 

If you do not stay focused on the tasks you have right in front of you, the activities that are building your future right now, you may miss out on something great.

Here is what happens. When in a less the truly happy place, we think about the things we could have done, or maybe what we might do different if the opportunity presents it self. You have moved from the past to the future, and while in both those mindsets, you skipped over the present, and are choosing not to be in the present.

I recommend that you do what you can to say in the Now, the here of this moment. It is there that you can influence the possible future outcomes. 

Get clear on what you want and make sure that what you are doing now will bring value to that goal.

Take the next 63 seconds and focus right now.. on a goal you want, then take action on what you can do starting on the 64th second to move towards it. 

Your friend and student, 
Sean G Murphy

Monday, May 18, 2009

Pinging Your Site for Added Traffic

Now that you have gone through all the trouble of creating your site, and getting your information together, you want to make sure people actually see it right?

Well you can send out emails, or tweet it out, put it on face book or a million other ways to do it.
What you really want is for people that are looking for your information to find it, right? Yes!

The quickest way to get your site into many of the major search engines it to use "Ping Services".

I have listed some of the ones that I have used with great results. If you did a search for Sean G Murphy, you will see that I take up most of the first 2 pages of Google.

Here is the list.

Ping-o-matic http://pingomatic.com/
Auto Pinger
Ping My Blog
Feed Shark
Feed Ping
Pingler http://www.pingler.com/

When you go to these sites, you will learn how to use each of them and they will also give you options to where you want your blog ping sent to.
Hope this helps, gt your story out, and create your own success.

Your friend and student,
Sean G Muprhy

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Mother's Day - Has come and gone...

I can tell you from experience that peoples dreams many times are just like Holidays or special days for recognition.
Let me see if I can explain it enough to make sense.
I have a 5 year old son, Mason, and he is such a great teacher for me, it is the understanding that he has that makes this example work.

He really wants it to be his birthday, and almost everyday he asks, or even says that "tomorrow is my birthday, I have waited long enough." We have to explain to him that his b-day is not for a few months.

What does this have to do with peoples dreams? Its about always looking forward to a future event, the excitement, all the "what if" kind of thoughts and suddenly it shows up! And we come to find out that its over so quick, that we may feel we missed out on some of the event.

I have witnessed people talking about what they will do when... and if they only had this or that it would make such a big difference. Only to eventually get the "this or that" they were wanting... and nothing changes.

Make sure that you are keeping your targets in focus, that you have moved everyday closer to your destination and that you keep checking your compass to make sure that you continue on the right track.
If you do that, they you will know when you are getting closer, you will know what to look for when it gets there, and you will be able to leverage that day more then you ever thought possible.
Don't let your dreams come and go.

Your friend and student,
Don't let your thoughts talk you out of your dreams.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Twitter - Follow Friday's

Once again Twitter takes the ordinary and makes it extraordinary.

Each Friday on Twitter is Follow Friday. It the opportunity to recommend other Twitterer's people you feel make good people to follow. The basis on how this is determined is completely personal.
Meaning you may find someone funny, or great info how ever you make that choice. Then you can send out a tweet in your "update" area with the suggestions.

Its Twitterquet (twitter etiquette) to put the @ symbol in front of each suggestion. This allows those that see the tweet to be able to click on them and follow them right from your update.

So if your on Twitter- Suggest some great follows for others.

If your not on twitter, then get on it, and see who gets recommended to you. Don't be surprised to see your own name tweeted out.

Till the next event
Your friend and student,
Follow Me on Twitter

The Power of Focus

Can you remember the last time that you were so focused that you did not even remember the time, or even to eat? I would guess for most of you, it was not within the last 24 hours. Here is why I say that.

We have a tendency to just walk through life, and there are moments that require us to sprint. Then there are those moments that cause us to stop and make a decision to muscle all our energy to complete a task and nothing else matters. It appears as if everything else in the world has stopped.

We all know it has not stopped, in fact the world has continued to move along like it always has. The only difference is that we were not distracted by outside influences. We maintained a focus we are always capable of, but don't always use.

I would suggest that you spend more time getting completely focused on tasks and you will be amazed at how you move forward towards you goals faster then you ever have in the past.

If I can share some ways to begin to train your brain to allow you to focus, I will put some here.

1. Put your hand out in front of you and look at the back of it. See how long you can take in the picture of your hand until you get a "thought" other then your hand.

2. Think of one of your short term goals. Pay attention to the distracting thoughts that come into your mind. Recognize it, then see yourself pushing it away with your hand, get back to the thought of your goal and begin to see the moment in time, when the goal is complete. What will if feel like, who else is excited about it, what is the next thing you do after you know you have completed it.

3. Focus on your breath, but picture you are looking at your breath just as it is entering and exiting your nose. Your right there on edge of your nose and you can see each inhale and exhale.

These seem strange at first, as Dr Wayne Dyer says:

"Change the way you look at things, and the things you look at change."

Change the way you look at Focus, and Focus will become a power part of your everyday tasks.

Thanks for being here, do me a favor. Smile as much as you can, because they will all show up in my life.

Your friend and student,

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

EzineArticles being published

The power of building your brand. its key to build your profile across multiple outlets. Getting this done as soon as possible will allow you to build your success. The key is being able to do it with minimal cost and FREE is even better.

EzineArticles.com is one of the best places to start. Fill our your profile and send in an article. You can then begin to use this as part of your success credibility.

Here is an article I had published just recently. Clarify, Qualify and Create Expectation.

Keep the articles on point and do your best to keep this around 500 words. The more specific and the more exact steps someone can take, the more words you can have. Again 500 is the a target.

Happy writing, and until our next event,
Your friend and student,