Monday, February 1, 2010

Waking up to Success. It has nothing to do with an alarm clock!

Waking up to success, as I am talking about it here, means being aware. There are so many things that pass our way that could change our lives, its just we are to busy being busy to even notice it. Sometimes its even worse then than, we see the opportunity and its wearing the dreadful disguise called WORK!

You will be surprised if you stay tuned in to your goals, and you review you daily actions, you will find very quickly there are many opportunities that come your way to bring you the success that you are so much wishing for.

Be safe today, keep your eyes open, and allow the opportunities of success to wake you up and take you to the next step.

Your friend and student,

Sean G Murphy

Monday, January 18, 2010

Weekend - Why it's so hard to win!

I hear almost everyday from so many people, its no wonder so many folks find it hard to reach their goals. Now before you get all mad at me, let me explain. The phrase that I hear all to often is.."I can't wait for the weekend".

For some reason we have talked ourselves into believe that we only have 5 days of work, then we can take a 2 day vacation. Now I know just a well as the next guy, there are so many other things to do during the weekend, thinks like errands, house work, take care of the lawn. I'm not talking about that, I'm talking about skipping out on your goals.

Even though your income may have stopped at 5pm on Friday, it will benefit you in the long run if you still keep an eye in your goals. Spend some time reading on a topic that will move you to wards your goals, spend time planning your week, or reviewing your week. All of these things will help to keep you in the 3% club. 3% of your time, your money, will keep you in the TOP 3% of the income for your field. The biggest challenge is that so few spend 3% of those things to get there.

Don't let the weekend keep you from your dreams. Work hard, play hard, and don't loose site of your goals... EVER.

Your friend and student,

Sean G Murphy

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Where will your success come from today?

So here you are reading this blog, and the question I have for you, is "Where will your success come from today?"

See there is no doubt that your lifetime of success is built on daily activities, I hope you would agree with that. If you don't agree with that, well then this will be a short read for you. :-)

What activity can you do today that will move you toward you success, do you have your list of goals for review, your monthly, quarterly or yearly goals. The key is knowing that as you do activities during the day, are you working on your "Income or Outcome".

See if your focused on Income, it seems that you always come up short on your funds. I have found that if you focus on your "Outcome" you have a much better experience in your life. More about that in another "mind dump" of mine.

So know that today is a small part of your success, and it can only do 1 of 2 things, it will either move you closer or move your farther away from your ultimate outcome.

Thanks for your smiles,

Your friend and student,

Sean G Murphy

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Belief - Is it what you Know or what you Feel

Belief by its very nature is based upon the knowledge someone else says to be true. So do you need to know to Believe or do you feel Belief?
Im sorry I can't answer that one for you, I can only share my perception on this. I would say that if you have a feeling of something, it's much harder to be talked out of it, as opposed to knowing something.
I look to nature and the animals for some input on this. I have a feeling that my dogs don't know I'm coming home when I leave, I do know they are sure glad to see me when I do come home. So do they know or believe I'm coming home?
I can tell you this, I would rather feeling over knowing most any day. I would rather feel the Sun then know the sun is warm. I would rather feel Mason's love then to know he loves me, and the same with Michelle.
So all I can give you on this one is, if you have the chance to combine knowing with believing... well just hold on, cause you are in for some fun.
I wish you knowledge and feelings that will brighten you days for a life time.
Your friend and student,
Sean G Murphy

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

And then there was the snow... you can only imagine what a 6 year sees when they are not used to seeing snow.

What a great way to have a White Christmas in Dallas
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