Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Holding on to hope...

As things start to get you down, its important that you stay focused on the goals you want, and not the feelings that you don't. I know it is so much easier to say then to do. I urge you to do what you can to keep the dream alive, and the passion you know you have to give. Do not let the fire go out inside you, and you will make it to the next day and the one after that.
Safe journey and I hope the fire that is your passion burns just a little brighter today then it did yesterday.
Your friend and student,
Sean G Murphy

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Success is the Reward

Do you know those people that have their little "catch phrase" that they use? You know, they use the word "cool" or "ya know what I mean"... all the time.
Well, I would like to ask you, what is your "catch phrase" for your success, your future goals?
Do you tell yourself "I'm a winner, I'm a winner.." or I'm enough. Do you tell yourself how successful you are and your not even aware of the fact that your saying it?
What catch phrase do you use to build your success, you should have one, because it helps you to put the thought into your sub conscience that suggestive pattern that its okay to succeed. Its not the new car that you are truly excited about, its the success that you achieved that allowed you the car. So keep your success in your daily conversations, and know that daily success is your reward.
Your friend and student
Sean G Murphy

Monday, October 5, 2009

Belief- Not just for Breakfast anymore...

How many times during a day do you take time to give build your belief in yourself? Now if your reading this, your someone that does take time to study personal development, and you want more of what you want, and less of what you don't. :-)
So see how you would answer the question that I asked.
The hard part is, How do I build my Belief? Its all about being in the moment, and know that how you feel about you, how you feel about your situation and if you really know where the next moment is going to take you. Is how your feeling right now the way you want to feel in an hour? A Day? A Year?!!1
Your belief will be built on this moment, and do you believe you are moving towards your goal. The great news is, if you realize that you are not.. well you can change that. Start right this moment, to give hope to yourself, know that you are on the right track, and watch your belief grow. Happy Belief Day!!!
Your friend and student,
Sean G Murphy

Friday, October 2, 2009

The Need to Make a Decision

Michelle had to go to school today to help run the "ticket store" for the Elementary School Mason attends. Well here is the story. The children all get tickets for doing good things, it a reward system. Every 2 weeks they get to take the tickets and turn them in for some kind a "goodie"... penny kind stuff. So Michelle is running the store, Mason comes up and he is 4 tickets short (20 min for the stuff). So in hopes of avoiding a melt down, she told him he only needed to get 4 more tickets.
Now get this, inside of the next 2 hrs he was able to work his magic and get 4 tickets. Then the real decision came. He wanted 2 different items, each 20 tickets. So time was running out, and he had to make 1 of 3 choices. Item 1 or Item 2 or Keep the tickets for a whole 2 weeks and get something bigger then.

Well you can only imagine the stress that is on a 5 year old for have to make the choices.. when you know as well as I do, he wants it all and wants it now.

Well he kept the tickets so he could have both in 2 weeks.

Point to the story... How many tickets are you away from your goal? What are you going to do to get them? And when you get them, and maybe realize that you have just the minimum, will you trade them in for and okay thing now to feel good, or wait to get the real prize you want?

I guess it is true, Everything you needed to know you can learn in Kindergarten!!!

Your friend and student,
Sean G Murphy

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Who moved your Cheese?

I just did a call this morning as I do every morning for an Energy Dereg sales force that I work with, and we talked briefly about this. It was funny but the book I took this material from was on that my 5 year old son brought home from his school library.

Who Moved My Cheese? (for Kids).

I really enjoyed reading about Sniff, Scurry, Hem and Haw. So the question is, Have you found your Cheese lately, are you sitting in Cheese Station C waiting from them to bring you your old cheese back?

Go out today and find your Cheese, Smell it make sure its the New Cheese you were looking for, cause if you have the old cheese still, well maybe your not really looking.
Have a Cheesey Day...
Your friend and student,