I got to spend some time with my Dad this weekend while I was here, he actually came over to the Orlando area and stayed with me. It was great to see him.
How many times in your life have you wished you did something, something you can look at with "hindsight" and know it would have made a difference?
What are you thinking about doing now, something that might be a reach for you, something that would, for sure, put you out of your comfort zone? All I can tell you our would like to share with you is that its about the moments that we wonder about that make up our life, its the wonderous moments that change our life that we should all live by.
Well this weekend was one of those wonderous ones for me, being with Daddy, thats what we boys still call him.
I hope today finds you closer to your goals, closer to your dreams, and right in the middle of a moment that you will remember for the rest of your life.
Your friend and student,
Sean Murphy